Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Knock Knock; no one's there.

Being locked out is horrifying!
So much of a busy student's life is spent in the bedroom. FYI it is not a glamorous lifestyle; I don't know who the hell thought to make so many romantic comedies and such spent in college atmosphere's because all of us serious students are wayyyyyy to damn busy to go through that crap. Honestly, my life at the moment consists of studying, doing homework, going to class, going to labs, going to discussion, going to study group, and occasionally coming back home to eat and sleep. Although I haven't been sleeping much lately what with midterms and whatnot, but hey now that that's over I plan to get a lovely snooze after my classes tomorrow. And there is no way anyone can tell me otherwise.

Anyway, sorry it's late and I'm getting off topic. Back to the real reason for the blog today. When you share an apartment there are just certain things you always do. All homework items: laptop, books, high-lighters, post-its etc, are to be left in one's room when one is not home. It's just common courtesy. No one wants the hassle or the after-wrath of moving around a housemates papers to have access to the dining table, or to accidentally spill something on a research paper or whatever. So like a good roommate I shoved all of my things in my room before heading to my midterm today.

Ordinarily this would be an insignificant occurrence, one blip of happening in my mundane-everyday-average life except for one little detail I didn't happen to notice until I got back this evening. I had locked the door! 

Why did I do this? I haven't the faintest idea. I came home happy with the knowledge of acing my Physics midterm, and nerve-wracked at the idea of how I did on my Biology midterm but glad nonetheless that midterms, for the time anyway, are over. I decided that I would come home, promptly shower, eat something and finish up some Calc homework that was due by midnight. All of those plans came to a halt when I jiggled the handle of my bedroom door. Sure that someone was playing a prank I knocked, hollered, begged, and  all but cried, to no avail. My roommate wasn't home and there was nowhere to turn, except maybe to the pantry. I tried wooden skewers, nails, screws, a coat hanger. Nothing worked. In my panic I called my dad and asked what to do. He said to ask my neighbors.

Maybe it's just one too many lifetime movies but I am a very paranoid person. Very paranoid. People genuinely frighten me and I'm always worried that if I let my guard down I will eventually become someone's human lampshade. Okay maybe I've watched American Horror Story, and Silence of the Lambs, one time too many too but whatever. Better safe than glowing right?

Well eventually I wrestled up the courage to cross the 12 feet separating my door from my neighbors and after fervently blessing myself several times and plenty of foot shuffling, I rang the bell. My neighbors have to be in their 70's at least. That still didn't make me feel any better as they invited me inside. The old lady has a cane and I bet she can use it too. (Oh come-on, Hansel and Gretal anyone?) Her husband was kind enough to lend me some tools to try and unlock the door but nothing worked.

It just so happens that one of the maintenance men that works at my apartment complex lives a few apartments away from me. I know because I see him every dang day. He also gives me the creeps just a little bit, but that's probably just my natural aversion to people in general. He seems nice enough, when he isn't glaring. Unfortunately, I had homework due and I panicked again and I was desperate enough to go over and ask for his help. I've never felt so mortified! Ever! He didn't stop glaring at me the entire time, even though I apologized profusely for bothering him after hours.

The whole ordeal only took about 10-15mins but I'm pretty sure that in that time I grew a few grey hairs and shaved off a couple years from my lifespan. I was also vaguely terrified at the guy being alone in my apartment with me so I hid in the kitchen, (conveniently close to the knives) just in case. When I called back my dad and told him all was well he got angry at me for not watching the maintenance guy do what he was doing so I could replicate it when I got locked out again.

Its sad how well he knows me. I can't even be agitated at the accusation of my incompetence because I clearly displayed it once and will undoubtedly do it again. How depressing.

Oh well, Calc homework is finished. Midterms are over. Room is unlocked and life is good again, for the time being. I plan to celebrate my Physics score with a marathon of The Walking Dead and AHS: Coven tomorrow and a visit from, or to, the family this weekend.

Lesson of the day? Don't rush. Stupid things happen when we aren't thinking straight. I still don't remember locking my door. But I know I probably did it out of habit from my old house or something.
In the words of one of my most favourite bouncy stuffed Tigers: TTFN; ta ta for now!

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