Waking up in a pitch-black apartment with no way to combat it is not a good way to start the day, or the week for that matter.
People always say bad things and bad luck comes in threes. Was I born in room 3? Seriously though, what the hell? First thing tuesday morning my roommate and I had to deal with power failure. Granted there are worse things in the world but bad is a relative term depending on the experiences of the person.
All the same, showering in the dark, and having to be in Bio-Lab at 7:30 in the morning with dripping wet hair, still freezing from waiting for the bus in 42 degree weather, just so you can do mendalian genetics while sorting through hundreds of dead fruit flys is my definition of a crappy morning. Not having breakfast, and the fact that I had already done the lab before at my junior college only pissed me off further. Then we recieved our midterms back and whelp, lets just say that apparantly 4-6 hours of studying isn't going to cut it. Joy.
The rest of yesterday was relatively uneventful. I paid bills (aka, made sure I would still have a roof over my head next month, and electricity once the damn power lines are fixed,) I finished some homework, studied (curled up into a fetal position and bawled over my midterm, and took notes based off of my failure,) exercised and did some housework (danced halfheartedly while doing dishes, and generally cleaning the kitchen,) relaxed a bit before bed, (mercilessly filed, buffed, and polished my nails until they were shiny enough to see my reflection, and I watched Hart of Dixie as I did it, that show always manages to completely shut off my brain.) Then, I promptly passed the heck out for the first time in a while. I was lulled into a false sense of security and thought Wednesday would be better.
Well it's Wednesday! And today started out just fine. I was running late as usual from ignoring my alarm clock on my phone the first 10 times I had pressed snooze, but I still managed to make my bus. Granted it was probably because the bus driver took pity on me as I hailed her, frantically,waving my arms and running like a chicken with my head cut off, but she still stopped and waited for me. Then Calculus was relatively easy this morning. Of our 50 minute lecture, we spent 10 having an actual lecture and 40 going over students questions regarding material on the Midterm we have on Friday. Not too shabby.
Then I went to the MU bought a bagel (they make them fresh here!) And a sweet tea and parked myself at a booth to go over biolab homework and eat my yummy breakfast. Everything was going fine, until I tried to check the time. My phone was curiously black, no matter how often I pressed the home button (yes I have an iphone 4, its worth more trouble than anything else.) The screen didn't so much as flicker. I tried to "reset" it by holding down the home and screen buttons at the same time but to no avail. I think the damn thing is dead. Granted I mauy be jumping to conclusions becausevthis only just happened, but my phone has been acting buggy lately and I figured it was only a matter of time, but I never expected it to quit on me so soon! I have no other means of telophonic communication, and my phone was my lifeline. In its magical little metal body it held the voices of my family, my friends and of course my insurance agent and the people I bug at the bank when I get confused with electronic banking. Now I feel all alone, truly alone without even a flare gun to give out my location.
Sad right?
And I readily admit, I am not looking forward to bad thing #3 whatever it may be.
Bye for now.
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