Thursday, October 17, 2013

Beginnings: Take 2!

This is the original beginning to this blog. 
It was written and posted on the 11th of April 2010:

First off: Hello,
____I've never blogged before so, bear with me please. I would like to use this blog primarily to try out story ideas. However, please be warned, my story ideas, plots and characters may change on a whim. Thanks.
____Ok, a little about myself, I am a music fanatic. Any and all types of music fascinate and inspire me. I love coffee but I only have it on rare occasions. I'm naturally hyper, so any added caffeine just makes me jumpy. I am indeed a bookworm and I find some of the most beautiful people between the pages of a book. Poetry enlightens me but I don't live quoting sonnets in my day to day life, However, Shel Silverstein has been one of my favourite poetic authors of all time. An example of his work is right below:

If you are a dreamer, come in.
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer . . .
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire,
For we have some flax golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!
by Shel Silverstein
Sorry I just couldn't resist, I absolutely Love that poem.

____Movies and popcorn are made for each other and I have to admit that I appreciate that combination weekly.
Some of my favourite movies are: Memoirs of a Geisha, Pride and Prejudice, Pirates of the Caribbean movies, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Resident Evil series, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, House of Flying Daggers, The Princess Bride, Underworld, Interview with a Vampire, and 27 Dresses.
A favourite quotation of mine:

" Just like the seasons of the earth all things must change, nature reinserts a balance into itself through the process of Spring through Winter. But unlike nature We as individual Human beings must decide. Make a conscious choice and effort to find balance within ourselves in order to become better, or at least have a small sense of normality. That, our choices our decisions, our changes of personality those are our Seasons."

Also my motto is, "Smile Lots, Laugh Always."
----Some last minute facts about me:
-I am a book worm and digest at least one to two
chapters of any book on my nightstand before bed.
-I love to draw but never seem to have time for it
-I enjoy laughter, and basking in its ambiance at
least once a day is what keeps me going.
-I am religious, but am not what some would call
-I've been called an "Old Soul in a Modern World"
before or "A Closet Victorian."
-I currently feel as though I am writing a sequel to
the song " I am, I am", from Nacho Libre.

Well anyway thank you for stopping by and if you read though all of my mindless psycho-babble I applaud you and say Brava!

~*Have a beautiful day!*~
Beginning of Diary of a Toothpaste Princess


Time Jump!!!!!
It is now October 17th, 2013

Three years later and my musical tastes have, if nothing else, grown.  However, I found my ipod from High School, and I still adore every song; so they haven't really changed. I'm a bit more cynical than I was 3 years ago, but I'm still a bookworm; only now once I'm in bed its lights out! I don't know why, but since I've hit my 20's I can no longer fully function on only 1-3 hours of sleep. It's kinda depressing. My housemate teases me, and calls me an old lady.
Oh well, I'm getting my shut-eye so who cares. But yeah, I started this up again to kind of use it like a journal and document my unexciting adventures in Davis. I've already had quite a few, which I will be happy to recount in my spare time. Though most will be boring, and odd, and more than likely not make any sense, I will post them anyways. So if you are interested in the mundane existence of a college student. Enjoy! Otherwise, I promise to not be offended as you pass on by. 

By the way I still Love, Love, Love, Silvertein to bits and pieces. 

Also FYI:
 Ink_Stained refers to inkstained fingertips from writing notes and drawing all day. I don't have any tattoos. And I don't plan on getting any, I'm way too fickle. I can't even handle having the same nail polish for two weeks.  Ok ,now that that's cleared up.  Uh, bye.

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